Saturday, January 17, 2009

Retracing Steps and Reviewing Memories in Ann Arbor

I know that time is always time
And place is always and only place
And what is actual is actual only for one time
And only for one place -T. S. Eliot
Many memories came to mind when I visited these haunts of the past.
The food had a way of transcending time and place.
My first stop back in Ann Arbor Michigan was for a ......
bear paw porter and sweet potato fries at Grizzily Peak

Two Quads at the Blimp on Day 2
Hippy harsh in the Fleetwood x 2 visits
It tasted best on a hang over

A huge mortadella and sorprasatta sammy at Zingerman's

slicing the mort!

too many of these things!

By the time we arrived at Ashley's the camera was as drunk as we were.

Reliving old times over Bell's Double Cream Stouts with............

a great friend!